Five Things (29)

Hello, it’s been a while. I have had so much going on and no energy. So what have I been up to in the past three months – well… in the words of Rhianna, work, work, work, work, work, work. But here are five non-work things (told in pictures).

— Thing One —

I spent most of my Thursday – Sunday nights watching all of the forty new Hallmark movies (and quit playing my Xmas bingo cards halfway through). Here are my top 5 of the season. I really appreciated that Hallmark broke the template on many of these to the point where I could have done with a few more minutes of the stories.
While this started off as irony, it morphed into something to remember my mom by, and it was a welcomed reprieve from the busy days when putting something on and shutting down was necessary.

— Thing Two —

I set up a Christmas tree — it’s a tiny one, but I did it. I’m a little proud of the tree, even though it’s a bit sparse (ha), but it makes my office look adorable and works as a great background. I did play with the idea of getting a real tree but ultimately decided against it – selecting, transporting, and taking care of one was not something I wanted to do. This tree is also not sponsored by the Target birds.

— Thing Three —

I had a plan to handcraft my Christmas presents, and this was a mock-up of one of the things I was planning. However, it didn’t come to fruition (see early comment about shutting down), so if you were one of six to receive one of these, think of it as a limited edition. I have a bunch of yarn and my goal is to make gifts for next year instead.

— Thing Four —

I finally made it out to the Bryant Park Christmas shops again. They expanded the shops (not sure if they had that last year) so there were a lot more things to see. I suggest spending two nights at the shops to get a really good look at all the things – I might have gotten more things if I had more time to browse.

I will add here, in case it seems like I only worked and watched movies, but I did manage to find some time to hang with friends. I counted at least 10 events between October and now that were just friend hangouts so, yay for friends and fun to keep me sane through this busy time.

— Thing Five —

Spotify Wrapped happened, and it was not surprising at all. But, I’ve started using the DJ more, and have picked up a few new songs that I won’t have normally listened to, so maybe next year will be different. Here are my top artists/songs and podcasts for this year — I absolutely recommend all of them!


Bah! Hambug! Now that’s too strong, ’cause it is my favorite holiday. But all this year’s been a busy blur, don’t think I have the energy to add to my already mad rush just ’cause it’s ’tis the season…

The Waitresses; Christmas Wrapping

Five Things (28)

What happened to September??

— Thing One —

One thing that I did for the first time ever – seeing a WNBA game in person at Barclay Center (my first time at that venue). I had an absolute blast at the game. While not a sports fan in general, watching a game in person is always thrilling and I always leave with an understanding of why sports fans are the way they are. Liberty won their match that night, and as of writing this, they are playing in the finals!

— Thing Two —

I finished two craft projects, the first is the blanket below – which came out so beautifully, and which I gifted to a neighbour. The next was the scarf I’ve been knitting, I finished the pattern but I may want to repeat it a few more times to make it longer, I’m still deciding.

— Thing Three —

I saw three movies recently, Barbie (at the end of August), A Haunting in Venice (which was so different than the source material!) and You’re So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah. I would recommend each of them to different audiences, but all were great.

— Thing Four —

I went out to four dinners with friends in September. We went to Lil’ Frankies – get their Spaghetti Limone, Jongor BBQ – sweet cocktails and amazing BBQ, Tea and Sympathy – always a fan, and always a fan of their sweet shop next door, and Tacombi – the location we visited had these cute little coatracks at each table for your coats and bags!

— Thing Five —

Five books mysteries that I’d recommend (including some read in September) are, The Enigma of Room 622 by Joël Dicker, Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto, Charlotte Illes Is Not a Detective by Katie Siegel, The Mountains Wild: A Mystery Maggie D’arcy by Sarah Stewart Taylor, and The Manners and Monsters series1 by Tilly Wallace.


1. Not a single book, but I read the entire series in August and September and it was quirky and I loved it.

… I’m free and I love to be free, to live my life the way I want… to say and do whatever I please.

Lesley Gore; You Don’t Own Me

Five Things (27)

August was unexpectedly busy?

— Thing One —

My car’s AC died during the first heatwave of the summer. I knew there was a small leak so I expected it, but it came earlier this year than last year. When the mechanic looked over the car they told me that there was a large leak and they would have to dismantle part of the car to fix it. So, I decided to buy a new car.

I have been thinking about buying a new car for quite some time now1 but this AC situation was the tipping point. I crowdsourced people’s experience with buying a car2 and decided to go with a car broker. We spoke about what I wanted and decided to go with a Rav4. This ended up being a stress-free process for me and I would highly recommend using a car broker if you can! The new car was delivered to my driveway five weeks after my AC died, and I didn’t step foot into a dealership. Now I’m ready to drive long distances, and also trying to learn the new tech.

— Thing Two —

Earlier in August I went to see Alvin Ailey in Bryant park. They had a pre-show dance class which I sat out because it was on the other side of the park from our blankets. The show was great, but being there reminded me of all the times my friends and I watched movies in the park during the summer. We’d spread out our blankets and bring our dinners, then we’d hang out together until the sun went down and the movie started, it was an amazing bonding time and I’m sad I let that go3. I think I’ll try to do it once or twice next year, for the experience and for the fellowship.

— Thing Three —

I finished two crocheting projects which means I only have the scarf I’m knitting and the blanket I’m making for my neighbour left to complete.

Last month I finished a headband which took me about four hours to make, and then a blanket which started out as a project to finish some yarn I already had, only to end with me purchasing three more skeins of yarn and taking me 35hrs to finish!

— Thing Four —

Later in August I went to see a documentary following Alex Honnold as he climbed Ingmikortilaq in Greenland. This time, instead of being solo he had some scientists for part of the journey and his rock climbing friends for the rest. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how they shot the documentary, were there drones? Who did the sound? I have so many questions about the production!

Overall it was a great experience, we were on an incline in Central Park and the screen was at the bottom of the incline which created a natural stadium seating so seeing the screen was not a problem! I don’t know why I don’t hang out at Central Park more, it’s really beautiful there4.

— Thing Five —

The rest of August was pretty busy, I think I had more events closer to my home for the first time since I moved. I felt as though I was finally building a community close to home. I hope September carries on with more of the same. Here’s to the fall, the PSLs, the cozy decor and friendships5!


1. Five years ago my car stalled over a wintry President’s Day weekend and left me stranded for the night (thankfully with friends nearby).
2. Facebook has its uses.
3. It’s really surprising to me at times how much I have to intentionally step out of wanting to be alone.
4. Except for the rats that came out at night while we were walking back to the train.
5. And no more crazy encounters that leave me slightly traumatized.

August slipped away into a moment in time, cause it was never mine…
Wanting was enough… to live for the hope of it all cancel plans just in case you’d call.

Taylor Swift; August

Five Things (26)

This was a month of happenings

— Thing One —

I finished another rotation around the sun. In the last year, I’ve made a lot of decisions I didn’t want to make. I high-fived myself for being forward-thinking and making sure my family was safe. I filled out a lot of paperwork and formed a lot of opinions on how our systems work against the elderly and those in need of the most help. I sought professional help after admitting I reached my limit (a hard pill to swallow for me). And, well, I hung out with friends, we laughed together, we cried together, we generally had a fantastic time together. I left my self-imposed island of solitude and I started to live again.

Flowers from my family 🌷

— Thing Two —

I finished some crochet projects! One is this slightly weighted blanket that I’m proud of, even though I used the wrong stitch1 a smaller hook, and ended up using double the amount of yarn I was expected to use. I also made a small cardigan (that I hope fits) for my cousin’s toddler and used some of the leftover yarn to attempt a hat (toque), which came out shorter than I wanted; I’m still considering a pom pom on top.

— Thing Three —

It’s World Cup season and if the USWNT wins this competition they will be the first team to win three in a row. At first, I was planning on watching the highlights, but with the potential for a history-making match, I decided I needed to watch live. First, because of no cable, I had to figure out how to watch it. I landed on Peacock which has Telemundo, so I’m watching the games en Español. The matches are at such crazy times though, I saw the 9pm games but there’s a 3am game that I’m going to sit out2. I also wanted to host a World Cup finals party, but the game is playing at 6am, so I guess that’s not happening!

— Thing Four —

I attended my second game night in Holbrook, this time one of my crochet club acquaintances came with me. We played Kingdomino which I really need to purchase, and Can’t Stop, which was a fun game of chance. I am looking forward to the next one because they have so many different types of games at the event and even though I don’t know anyone there really3, I do enjoy a good board game.

— Thing Five —

There have been some downs this month, and I’m really trying to move past them, so thinking of the happy events, and fun conversations with family and friends has kept me in better spirits. I might feel slightly down, but I’m not alone, and for now, that’s all that matters. I am content, and that will do.


1. It was supposed to be a double-crochet but it turned into some weird hybrid double/triple-crochet. They say you should just be consistent in crocheting, so I kept on going with the mistake stitch and it became a thing of its own.
2. And since they need that game to proceed I’m going to be too anxious watching it, so I’m going to sleep instead.
3. It’s getting easier being the new person, but I’d rather not be the new person for much longer.

She’s a wannabe hero, yeah she try to be strong. At the end of the hour you find that the tower ain’t standing so tall.

Jennifer Knapp; Into You

3 Docuseries you should watch

(If at any time you referred to yourself as a Christian)

Religion has become an (even more so) ultra-sensitive and polarising topic of late, and there are several documentaries and podcasts about mega-churches and popular Christian personalities. As a person who grew up in the Christian subculture and has spent time examining1 my faith, I find these documentaries important to how I define my beliefs, even if I never attended Mars Hill or watched the Duggars when they were on TV. It’s not about judging the content of the documentary, instead, it’s about looking at how the rest of the world perceives Christianity, and whether it is seen through a clear or twisted lens. I don’t think that we’re meant to run PR for Jesus, nor are we meant to be marketers for faith, but if we are representative of what it means to be a Christian, and all the world sees is hate and control, then we are failing at representation, and I want to be a good representation of what it means to have faith.

Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey on Netflix exposes the polygamous fundamentalist Latter-Day Saints organization led by Warren Jeffs (and previously run by his father). This is extremely heartbreaking to watch as it shows just how abusive the organization was, especially towards women2 and children. It’s a four-part series and all episodes are under an hour.

This one was interesting to me because it’s easy to look at it and think, “Wow, I would never fall into a cult like that” but it doesn’t start out so radically all the time, sometimes it sneaks up on you, which leads me to the next one…

When I watched Shiny Happy People on Amazon I felt a sense of relief that I never got into watching the Duggars. I know that the documentary didn’t go into a lot of things, or expound fully on some of the issues they raised, however, there was enough there that will leave you aghast. The ideologies, the way they broke the spirits of their children and indoctrinated them, the whole idea of the Joshua Generation, all of it was both wild and absolutely horrifying.

It’s so easy to put a man above God, I’ve seen it so many times – churches break up and people walk away from the faith when a leader is caught doing something they shouldn’t, because that leader was the focus. I’m not saying that the people who walked away are in the wrong here, no, they were in a situation where they were taught to give reverence to a person and that person took advantage of them, and it happens so much that it’s surprising that there aren’t more of these documentaries. I know many people who admired the Duggars and wished their family was like them because they saw a narrative on television but not the dark side behind the scenes, and I know enough people who had similar family experiences. The fact is this one is so easy to fall into if you’re not careful because it starts in the family and it starts when you are young. This is why I think it’s important to examine your faith and the things you hear from the stage and at home.

Up next we have Hillsong: A Megachurch Exposed currently on Max. I love Hillsong worship – Darlene Zschech, Marty Smith, Brooke (Fraser) Ligertwood, these people wrote and performed some of my most beloved worship music. The first songbook I purchased (for piano) was the Hillsong United King of Majesty book. I have led worship and used Hillsong music in my setlist. I would claim that Hillsong Music is the vehicle that rocketed Hillsong into popularity. Yet, they aren’t above scandal and the documentary goes into the corruption in leadership and the way that affected the organization in Australia and around the world. There are several documentaries and a podcast on this issue, and honestly, I’m not very surprised but it does make me sad, especially given my close connection with their music.

Then there’s the question of, given the scandals should we still use their music, there are compelling pros and cons for this but I land on a yes for now3.

One of the biggest themes running through these documentaries is the lack of accountability and transparency. I am suspicious of any non-profit organization that is not transparent in its mission, the way it uses its funding, or how accountability works in leadership. I don’t know if this is the only answer, but I do know that when leaders have no accountability the people they lead suffer. For myself, I try to seek out organizations that show some level of accountability and transparency, and when I think about churches, I try to find those that are social justice-minded and don’t have strange rules4. If you have seen any of these docuseries, I’d love to hear your thoughts5!


1. People may call it deconstructing but I think it’s important that we are continually examining what we believe and why.
2. There’s a theme here.
3. This is a whole other post, but the long and short of it is that I think that any art, once out in the world, is left to the interpretation of the viewer/reader/listener.
4. One day I’ll be brave enough to talk about my thoughts on purity culture.
5. Find me on socials if the comment section is iffy.

“Be on your guard against false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravaging wolves.

Matthew 7:15; Bible